Tham gia trải nghiệm và Tư vấn miễn phí các Dịch vụ sản phẩm Firewall WatchGuard - Hãy khám phá lợi ích của các thiết bị Firewall bảo mật hàng đầu thế giới trong lĩnh vực bảo mật mà chúng tôi mang lại cho doanh nghiệp của bạn.
Mr. Bình
Mr. Tuấn Anh
Mr. Đáng
Mr. Huấn
Mr. Hoàng Ân
Mr. Dũng
Mr. Ngân
New Firebox Series
Because smaller companies are generally less protected and easier to break into, small business has become the new big target for cyber attacks. The Firebox M200 and M300 firewalls are specifically engineered to defend all types of small businesses against attacks that are no less fierce than those targeting larger organizations.
Firebox M200 and M300 Unified Threat Management (UTM) solutions are up to 218 percent faster than competing products with all security layers turned on, and up to 385 percent faster performing HTTPS inspection, ensuring businesses never have to compromise network security for performance.
The Firebox M440 incorporates the same strong security, high performance and flexible management tools that distinguish our other UTM and NGFW solutions, but this model delivers especially robust port density with twenty-five 1Gb Ethernet ports and two 10 Gb SFP+ (fiber) ports. Eight of the ports provide Power over Ethernet (PoE), which is ideal for WatchGuard Access Points.
Because it's rich in independent ports, the Firebox M440 is an excellent platform for defining different network segments, which industry experts acknowledge as the best practice for securing and protecting data. WatchGuard makes it easy to define policy and add security services for each segment. The new policy map feature in WatchGuard Dimension™, which comes standard on all M440 appliances, provides excellent visibility to the traffic in each segment.
WatchGuard Firebox Series |
![]() Firebox T10 - T30 - T50 Dùng cho doanh nghiệp và văn phòng nhỏ, các điểm truy cập không dây. Recommend Users: Up to 50 Users Firewall Throughput: Up to 1.2 Gbps UTM Throughput: Up to 165 Mbps VPN Throughput: Up to 270 Mbps Site-to-Site VPN: Up to 50 Tunnels Wireless Model Available: 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac |
![]() Firebox M200 - M300 Dùng cho các doanh nghiệp vừa và nhỏ. Recommend Users: Up to 180 Users Firewall Throughput: Up to 4 Gbps UTM Throughput: Up to 800 Mbps VPN Throughput: Up to 2 Gbps Site-to-Site VPN: Up to 75 Tunnels |
![]() Firebox M400 - M500 Dùng cho các doanh nghiệp lớn. Recommend Users: Up to 700 Users Firewall Throughput: Up to 8 Gbps UTM Throughput: Up to 1.7 Gbps VPN Throughput: Up to 5.3 Gbps Site-to-Site VPN: Up to 500 Tunnels |
![]() Firebox M440 Dùng cho các doanh nghiệp lớn. Recommend Users: Up to 400 Users Firewall Throughput: Up to 6.7 Gbps UTM Throughput: Up to 1.6 Gbps VPN Throughput: Up to 3.2 Gbps Site-to-Site VPN: Up to 300 Tunnels |
![]() Firebox M4600 Dùng cho các doanh nghiệp lớn. Recommend Users: Up to 1000 Users Firewall Throughput: Up to 40 Gbps UTM Throughput: Up to 8 Gbps VPN Throughput: Up to 8 Gbps Site-to-Site VPN: Up to 5000 Tunnels |
![]() Firebox M5600 Dùng cho các doanh nghiệp lớn. Recommend Users: Up to 5000 Users Firewall Throughput: Up to 60 Gbps UTM Throughput: Up to 11 Gbps VPN Throughput: Up to 10 Gbps Site-to-Site VPN: Unrestricted |
WatchGuard XTM Series |
![]() XTM 515 - 525 - 535 - 545 Dùng cho doanh nghiệp vừa và nhỏ. Recommend Users: Up to 130 Users Firewall Throughput: Up to 3.5 Gbps UTM Throughput: 165 Mbps VPN Throughput: Up to 750 Mbps Site-to-Site VPN: Up to 600 Tunnels |
![]() XTM 850 - 860 - 870 - 870F Dùng cho doanh nghiệp vừa và lớn. Recommend Users: Up to 1000 Users Firewall Throughput: Up to 14 Gbps UTM Throughput: Up to 5 Gbps VPN Throughput: Up to 10 Gbps Site-to-Site VPN: Up to 7,000 Tunnels |
![]() XTM 1520-RP - 1525-RP Cho các văn phòng chính, trung tâm dữ liệu. Recommend Users: Up to 2500 Users Firewall Throughput: Up to 25 Gbps UTM Throughput: Up to 6.7 Gbps VPN Throughput: Up to 10 Gbps Site-to-Site VPN: Up to 10,000 Tunnels |
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